Horti Generation

Adapting agriculture to heat waves & water shortage

next generation of water use efficient greenhouses

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🚨 As summer arrives with scorching heat waves and looming water shortages, the urgency to rethink agricultural practices becomes undeniable.

These environmental challenges increasingly strained traditional farming methods, prompting a shift towards innovative solutions. This edition delves into the transformative potential of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) — a beacon of hope for sustainable farming in an era of climate uncertainty. CEA involves growing plants in climate-controlled spaces, such as greenhouses, where factors like temperature, humidity, and lighting are precisely managed. This method includes various systems such as hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics, which optimize resource use and minimize environmental impact. By protecting crops from adverse weather, pests, and diseases, CEA significantly reduces crop loss and allows year-round production, even in urban areas. The adoption of CEA can revolutionize agriculture by ensuring consistent yields, reducing water usage by up to 95%, and enabling the growth of exotic crops in non-native climates. Despite higher initial costs, the long-term benefits of stable production and reduced environmental impact make CEA a vital component of future farming practices.

Thanks to Ben Crowther, CTO of LettUs Grow, for his valuable input. 🙏

Key Insights in this new edition:

🔹 Water Savings in Controlled Environment Agriculture: CEA systems can recirculate water, dramatically reducing usage by up to 90% compared to traditional methods 🌍.

🔹 Ferti-Irrigation Efficiency: CEA outperforms open-field cultivation by delivering precise nutrient doses directly to plants, achieving up to 95% nutrient use efficiency 🚀.

🔹 Aeroponics vs. Hydroponics: Aeroponics can further enhance water and nutrient efficiency, although system design is crucial for optimal performance 🌿.

🔹 Case Study in Bermuda: Innovative greenhouse farming techniques are crucial in water-scarce regions, demonstrating the future of agriculture through sustainable practices 🌞.

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Corenthin Chassouant

I am an agronomist (MSc) and sales expert with 10+ years of experience in the greenhouse and horticulture sector. I provide expert advice to farmers and industry professionals worldwide. My international background allows me to optimize greenhouse operations and enhance productivity. Let's connect to achieve your agricultural goals!

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