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Who I am ?
My name is Corenthin (Félix) Chassouant, you can call me by my second name Félix, it is much easier to pronounce it. I am an agricultural engineer (MSc) from the South-East of France currently working in the horticulture industry for a North American greenhouse manufacturer active internationally.
Passionate about new technologies and life sciences, I decided to share my knowledge in the Horti-Generation blog.
– University background and gap year in Australia
I have done my master’s degree mostly in France (UniLaSalle Beauvais) and a part in Canada (Université Laval) as presented on my LindkedIn account.
During my university studies, I made a gap-year in Australia to work one year through twenty farms to learn about organic agriculture, permaculture… doing WWOFING = World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. This adventure was called Alcheringa, you can discover it here on the dedicated website here.
The Alcheringa blog retracing our Australian adventure in 2012-2013…

I am very interested about sustainable agriculture with topic such as carbon sequestration, biochar, biological systems, bio stimulation, agro-ecology, methanisation, soil sciences, microbiology…
Corenthin Chassouant
– First professional experience in South East Asia
What is more, I had the chance to work during 4,5 years in South-East Asia / Pacifc for an European greenhouse manufacturer as the Area Manager. This experience was a great opportunity to travel around and learn from the best growers of the region. Indeed, this part of the world is developing very fast in horticulture and green technologies more particularly in Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. However, there are still a lot of challenges due to environmental issues, countries local policy and extreme weather…

– New challenge in North America in the greenhouse industry
I am now living in Quebec, Canada, my new position is to develop business and manage turnkey horticultural projects in the North American region) including the United States for a Canadian greenhouse manufacturer.

Since May 2021, I have been a member of the Ordre des Agronomes du Québec (Agronomist). The title of agronomist of Quebec is a recognition of my French university degree.

The Horti-Generation blog will be an opportunity to introduce different subjects related to the horticulture industry and the interaction with other disciplines.
Corenthin Chassouant, agr.

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