Building a tropical plastic greenhouse can be summarize in 10 major steps. In this article, we will see examples from Malaysia, Vietnam...
Category - BUILDING
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, issues around food self-sufficiency have been a priority for governments and communities. We will see in this article examples of Canadian projects with the First Nations.
In colder regions, reducing energy costs and the ability to retain heat is a priority. The objective is to extend the cultivation period by using passive energies (light, ventilation …) and calories from the soil. The Walipini greenhouses are...
Nowadays, more and more professionals are using multipsan greenhouses covered with plastic (PE) to dry raw material. The multispan greenhouses offer a large volume and the possibility of controlling the climate (passive/active) inside in order...
Composting is a process of biological transformation of various organic materials. What is more, it is an oxidative process that includes a thermophilic phase. The greenhouse and the smart shelter offered a lot of volume to do composting...
It is important to collect the right information before asking a quote from a greenhouse manufacturer. Indeed, the engineering office of the company will need some specific detail to select the right design based on