Horti Generation


Adiabatic positive pressure cooling system

Is positive pressure cooling a good...

Adiabatic cooling (also called evaporative cooling) works on the principle of water evaporation. It means that the air is cooled to a desire temperature for the crops. Positive pressure adiabatic cooling is getting more popular in North-America...

Optimal daily light integral for leafy greens crops with hydroponic system NFT

Daily Light Integral interactive tool for...

DLI is now a common term (measurement) used by commercial growers and plant scientists. In this article,an interactive and useful tool made by Joanne Logan and James Faust to check the Annual and Monthly DLI Values (mol/m2/day) in the United...

Greenhouse engineering: psychrometric chart

Air humidity – How to read a...

The "psychrometric diagram" of humid air is a tool to facilitate the representation of air transformations. [...] The basic concept is that there is a relationship between temperature and saturation humidity

Positive pressure ventilation strategy

Active ventilation: a positive pressure...

The concept of positive pressure ventilation consists of mechanically injecting fresh air from outside to inside the greenhouse into the growing area. Positive pressure ventilation allows for maximum exclusion of insects and uniformity of...

Natural vanilla extraction technologies

Vanilla is one of the most expensive spice in the world. It is highly used for the perfumery and the food industry, in fact, for both usages the vanillin content is the main target at the end of the extraction process. Indeed, the concentration...

Benefits of the high pressure fogging...

Fogging system is an essential equipment in the greenhouse industry. The major advantage of the high pressure fogging is to flash evaporating billions of tiny water particles [...] It is more efficient than a low-pressure fogging to decrease...