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It is important be prepared collecting the right information before asking a quote to a greenhouse manufacturer. Indeed, the engineering office of the company will need some specific detail to select the right design based on several calculations.
Below a synthesis of the 10 types of essential information that you will need to synthesis :

1) Requested data
- Climate data of the local environment on a monthly basis for a period of 10 years or more ;
- A topographic and soil quality survey if possible ;
- The land dimensions (width, length) of the project showing the potential obstacles on the ground ;
- The accurate location of the fresh water point, rainwater collection, electricity power source and natural gas ;
- Project orientation (N,S,W,E) with GPS point to track it on Google Earth for example ;
- The elevation altitude of your project in meters above the sea ;
2) Project timeline
- The potential construction period : year ; month
- The crops production start date : year ; month
3) Environmental and climate data
- Minimum and maximum temperature during the year in °C or °F ;
- Maximum snow fall in kg/m² ;
- Maximum wind speed in km/h or m/s ;
- Maximum pluviometry in mm/hour/m² ;
Recommended to collect the climate data for a period of at least 10 years minimum.

4) Agronomic information
- Crop type ;
- Growing system type: crop on ground floor, hydroponic system, NFT, suspended system… ;
- Cultivation schedule : Year around cultivation ;
- Seasonal cultivation > precise the cultivation period ;
- Organic or conventional pest management strategy ;
- Targeted pests and diseases ;
Additional remarks, all information will be important for the professional to select the right greenhouse and equipment for your project.
Tomato production under greenhouses Drip irrigation system
5) Greenhouse definition: dimension, design, type…
5.1) Basic information
Total surface of greenhouse in m², no of block(s)
Height under gutter in meters
5.2) Greenhouse type :
Plastic = multispan greenhouse / tunnel : single or twin tunnel
Glass = multipsan VENLO type greenhouse / wide span greenhouse for production or Research
5.3) Greenhouse covering type
Single layer plastic film
Double layer plastic film : glass wool insolation, inflated… ?
Clear glass / diffuse glass / polycarbonate / PVC / panel sandwich / ETFE = FClean…
5.4) Greenhouse passive ventilation (roof)
– Single side roof ventilation or double side roof ventilation (butterfly vent) ?
Motorized ventilation or fixed vents (single vent or pagoda type = umbrella)
– Presence of side ventilation on the longside and gables ?
Motorized or manual roll-up system
Note: Connected to the climate computer or not ?
5.5) Doors : swing / sliding doors / Locker entrance
Number of doors and location on your project layout.
Doors dimensions (total height, width / opening width and height…).
Doors material type: steel, aluminium, others…
> Any automatic or specific doors for your project ?
Number, dimensions and covering type of the locker entrance (=sanitation area).

6) Greenhouse equipment
6. 1) Shading or thermic screen system
Type of shading clothe / Manual or motorized system : cables or rack & pinion mecanism
Outside or inside screens
Number of screen layers
> Objective : shading, energy saving, shading and energy saving ?
Note: Connected to the climate computer or not ?
6.2) Pad and fans cooling system
Operating time ?
Inside temperature and relative humidity targeted ?
Need to add a chiller or not ?
Note: Connected to the climate computer or not ?
6.3) Active ventilation using circulation fans
Recycling air flow in volume per hour targeted = 2, 4 volume per hour for example
Horizontal or vertical air flow system
Note: Connected to the climate computer or not ?
6.4) Fooging system : misting
Low or high pressure fogging system
Operating time ?
Inside temperature and relative humidity targeted ?
Need to add a chiller or not ?
Note: Connected to the climate computer or not ?
6.5) Artificial lighting system
HPS or LED light (energy saving)
Targeted photoperiod
Targeted Daily Light Integral (DLI) = amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) received each day
> Fixation to support the light inside the greenhouse ?
Note: Connected to the climate computer or not ?

7) Electrical and climate control system
Electrical power available on site, stable tension ?
Voltage and frequency confirmation (50Hz or 60Hz)
3 phases : 127-230V – 230-400V – 250-440V
Centralized climate computer (deported) or close to the growing area ?
Type of sensors required: inside T°C / Relative Humidity % / PAR or Lux / CO2 %… probes
outside weather station; rain collector, wind speed, wind direction, PAR or Lux, outside T°C and RH% probes
Collection of data on computer / smartphone
Alarm and climate system management on computer and/or smartphone required ?
8) Ferti-irrigation system
Water source: surface / ground water or tape water supply or others…
Need of water treatment, disinfection system : filtration and decontamination ?
Fresh water supply capacity in m3 per day.
Reuse of drainage water or not.
Type of ferti-irrigation system: drip, sprinkler, ebb and flow, droplet (using an irrigation boom), NFT, DFT…
Number of fertilizer solution(s) for your system.
Injection or Dosatron type system.
Note: Important to provide a water analysis report if possible.
9) Greenhouse heating system
Reconfirm the minimum outside temperature during the year.
Heating system type: Hot air blower or hot water heating.
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) installation ?
Boiler installation ?
Double fuel burner installation ?
Heat storage tank ?
CO2 dosing installation ?
> Where comes from the CO2 source: CHP, burner, liquid CO2 ?
> Where comes from the heat source ? Natural gas, propane, coal, diesel, others…
Any sustainable heat source as geothermal, solar panels installation, heat pump, others…
10) Others specific requests to the greenhouse provider ?
Below a non-exhaustive list of elements that you can ask your to your greenhouse manufacturer:
- germination room units
- ground cover: white or black
- trolley
- roof cleaning units
- sanitation equipment
- water oxygenation unit
- rolling benches
- …
[…] 10 essential information to know before asking a greenhouse quote […]