Horti Generation

Strawberry hydroponic cultivation in the North of the Philippines

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Field visit meeting the Benguet States University in the Baguio region in the North of the Philippines doing a presentation in front of the strawberry growers and local authorities. Low-tech greenhouses (tunnel) were studied to improve strawberry production (quality/yield).

Stigma of the typhoon in 2015 were still very visible… the strong wind smashed most of the local and International (Netafim – Israel) plastic covered greenhouses in the area.

Fixed vent NETAFIM plastic greenhouse (re)built

The Benguet State university is focused on training growers to improve their practice to be more sustainable. The contamination of soil and water is a hot topic in the Philippines. Usage of greenhouse (low-tech) is a tool to protect the crops from the outside environment controlling parameters such as temperature and humidity. It is also an opportunity to use netting to protect the plant and the strawberries against pest and birds… without chemicals.

Corenthin Chassouant (first visit in 2016)

It was an opportunity to meet the strawberry growers and understand the challenges that they were facing doing hydroponic cultivation (vertical set-up) without any shelter.

Thank you for your time and your kindness, the strawberries were excellent!

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Corenthin Chassouant

I am an agronomist (MSc) and sales expert with 10+ years of experience in the greenhouse and horticulture sector. I provide expert advice to farmers and industry professionals worldwide. My international background allows me to optimize greenhouse operations and enhance productivity. Let's connect to achieve your agricultural goals!

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